Welcome to the Bartlesville Genealogical Society

The goal of the Bartlesville Genealogical Society is to promote and encourage the common interest in family genealogy and history among our members.


The September program will be a presentation by Joe Todd. The presentation is entitled “The Man Who Never Was – a WW2 Story.”

The monthly General Meetings will be a “Hybrid” meeting. We will have an in-person meeting in Conference Room C (main floor) at the Bartlesville Public Library. We will also provide Zoom access to the meeting.

The meeting will begin at 7:00 pm.

If you will be attending via Zoom, please register in advance using the link below.

Zoom Meeting

You will receive a confirmation email with information about how to join the meeting.

The BGS General Meetings are held on the second Monday each month at:

Bartlesville Public Library
600 S. Johnstone
Bartlesville, OK 74003

Membership Benefits

Members will receive a copy of the BGS newsletter each month. Through the newsletter and special notices, BGS members will be informed of special events occurring in Bartlesville and nearby locations.

See the Membership page for details on how to join.

Future BGS Programs

Stay tuned for other programs

Ask a Genealogist

If you have a “brick wall” challenge, want “fresh eyes” to look at a research problem, or want to start your genealogical research, you may want to submit an Ask a Genealogist inquiry.

You may submit a question at any time during the month on the Ask A Genealogist page. A BGS member will contact you by telephone or email.


The following classes have been offered when there is sufficient demand:
Genealogy 101
Census Information
Organizing Your Research